Sunday, 7 February 2016

Alice in Wonderland: Illustrations by Frank Adams

As is often the way with nice-looking books I photograph for this blog, this sold before I got the chance to post the pictures, so if you fancy this rather lovely edition of Alice in Wonderland, you'll have to look elsewhere.

Published circa 1912 by Blackie, it would originally have had a dust jacket, though the decorations on the boards (probably designed by Talwin Morris) are pretty enough. There are just four illustrations, but they're crackers. Artist Frank Adams doesn't merit too many hits online it appears, though you can buy an original watercolour book illustration by him here for £1500 if you feel so inclined. The two illustrations on offer are not Alice ones, alas. I bet they would be priced significantly higher if they were.

Anyway, here's the book that sold yesterday...


  1. Its very pretty, maybe you should pull out random books to feature :-) that way they get a chance to be seen and loved? not just seen and lusted after when they are gone :-)

  2. Thank you for sharing. Frank Adams was my great grandfather. =)

  3. Thank you for sharing. Frank Adams was my great grandfather. =)

  4. Hi. How much did this book sell for please?
