Thursday, 3 July 2014

Scrotnig! Zarjaz! Ghafflebette! A Vintage 2000AD Covers Thrill Circuits Overload

A big pile of old 2000ADs came in this week, and going through them in the process of listing them on eBay (in 3 very reasonably priced lots folks! Just click on the eBay link to the right of this page...) brought back lots of memories. When 2000AD was firing on all cylinders, it really was a thing of wonder: beautifully drawn, brilliantly written, often utterly bonkers and always somehow indefinably very, very British. Here's a gallery of covers that caught my eye as I flipped through the pile. I think the Brian Bolland spaghetti one is my favourite. You'll know it when you see it...


  1. You have brought me back to my childhood memories when I used to read 2000AD. I am glad that you piled up all parts and it is available on ebay. I am definitely going to purchase it!

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