Sunday, 18 October 2015

A Dalek With Indigestion: The Doctor Who Story You've Never Seen!

With the good Doctor back on TV (he fought nasty aliens alongside Vikings last night), now's as good a time as any to post this oddity.

Back in their Christmas issue for 1964, the Radio Times included an 8 page supplement called 'Barbara in Wonderland', with a story by Rowan Ayres, and some specially shot photos. The Alice stand-in was Barbara Lord, a dancer from the BBC 2's hip and happening live music show The Beat Room (she later became better known as Babs in Pan's People). 'Wonderland' was the BBC Television Centre in London, then only a few years old, and certainly an exciting place full of wonders as far as the readers of the Radio Times were concerned.

The full story is below, thanks to the Radio Times archive website, but it's one encounter that's of interest here...

"Never be a slave to time. And never waste it, either." That's rather good. I can imagine Peter Capaldi saying that. Anyway, William Hartnell and a couple of Daleks were corralled for a photoshoot: one of the rarer colour photos of the First Doctor in action...

... and here's the whole thing. You should be able to grab and zoom in enough to read the scans...

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